The mini monkey !
Well there you go, it seems to be quite a popular activity for craft bloggers these days (Félicie à Paris, Anne Lison, Barnabé aime le café, Zü, Julypouce tricote, Vanilla & Lace, are only a few of the blogs whose owners have given birth in recent months, so producing offsprings is clearly the thing to do at the moment!), so I haven't tried to be original and have delivered a mini monkey in 2014. Since the 1st of may the big belly seen in this post has (partly !) disappeared, and the mini monkey has arrived ! Which will explain the lack of activity on this page recently...
The strange thing is, before he was born I had lots of time but absolutely no motivation or energy to sew, knit or make stuff, and since he has been here I have LOADS of ideas but virtually no time to do anything !
Our days our filled with mindless and repetitive acticities : feeding, changing nappies, trying to eat and have a rest in between, and starting again... Doing the laundry and the washing up has become a luxury (and I therefore enjoy it !! Who would have thought it!). To sum things up, I have never been so busy doing nothing. As I am breastfeeding, I spend hours on end sat on the sofa, one arm busy holding up my ever-hungry son, so I have one arm left with which to click. This is how I have been able to spend the last 6 weeks indirectly feeling creative whilst wandering from blog to blog. I have also spent rather a lot of time pinning on Pinterest, another one-armed activity I have been able to indulge in to satisfy my need for all things hand made and pretty.
In the end, this time of imposed idleness has led me to reflect on where to go with this blog, which I have never really found satisfactory so far. The values which are important to me and which have led me to try and make the stuff that I could easily go out and buy are : hatred for waste, a slightly eco-conscious tendancy, and a tight budget / tight purse strings (depending on how you see things). I feel this isn't really obvious enough in the posts so far, so from now on I will try and analyse projects a bit more and highlight how much they cost to make. As I really love a good DIY or free pattern (being tight, as I am!), I intend to carry on using them, but I'll also try and publish a few DIY of my own over here in an attempt to contribute a bit more. There might even be a book or pattern review from time to time, or even, who knows, a recipe? And of course if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see here please get in touch, this page is yours my little monkeys!
Also, I found out I rather enjoyed blogs where the authors weren't afraid of writing a bit about themselves. Inevitably it is linked to what appears on their blog, and I am sorry if it bores you, but I figured it might actually be quite therapeutic to share a bit more of myself here ! Don't worry, I won't be offended if you decide to skip a few paragraphs.
And because becoming a mother is THE thing to do at the moment, I was particularly interested in reading all the new mummy-bloggers' accounts of their experiences. So you have the super mums who share their birth story along with countless beautiful photos of them looking stunning and fresh as a daisy throughout (Vanilla & Lace) or who manage to stay creative whilst cradling a newborn in their arms (Alisa Burke), as for me, I particularly enjoyed Mathilde's account from Félicie à Paris, it is in French but sums up quite accurately my experience of motherhood as a great life-changing but not always very glamourous job! And like her I hope to be able to gradually manage to make the most of every little moment of freedom to make stuff, and show it to you here.
PS : I would like to thank my son for having a nice long sleep this morning, thus enabling me to translate this whole message in one go ! Amazing. I think I've got a nappy to change now...
PPS : All my apologies for this (very) long message, I promise not to make a habit of it !
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