DIY * Pie bag
Here is the step by step tutorial to making your own pie carrier. In France we use these to carry a pie or cake, or even a quiche to a picnic spot or if you are invited for dinner to someone's house and you are asked to bring dessert. This version is made of waxed fabric so it can be wiped easily. The colours and patterns are up to you ! If you lack time or can't be bothered, the pie bags will soon be available from Mrs Monkey's online shop !
You need :
- 4 squares of fabric (waxed or not), 40 x 40 cm
- 2 strips of fabric 30 x 7 cm (for the handles)
- 2.5 m bias binding + 1 m string or 1.6 m bias + 80 cm edging trimming
- thread + needle or sewing machine !!
First of all cut the different pieces and cut two of the squares in half to form the top of the bag
Fold the strips in half lengthwise and sew along the side, tucking the edges in
If you are making your own edging trim, fold the string into the bias and sew along it until you reach 80 cm long
Place the edging trim along the straight edge of one of the half squares, open side facing outwards. Place the handle on top, ends facing out, and sew along the trim. Put a second half square on top, right sides facing each other, and sew along the same line. Repeat for the second half of the top of the bag.
Place the two whole squares wrong sides facing on top of each other, then place the two half sides on top with the handles facing inwards. Pin bias binding to the 4 edges of the square and sew all the layers together.
Tada ! You got yourself a pie bag !!
(you can download this summary in pictures by doing a right click on the image)
* Les Carollaises * <= This is where the fabric comes from *
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial, more coming soon !
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